Computing Programmes (ages 7-17)

At the ELC Computing Department we offer Computer lessons for children who are passionate about technology of the future in a world where everything is computerized.

Kids that do computing lessons at a young age feel comfortable using a computer as a learning tool for their school’s projects and not only as a gaming device. Kids will learn how to work with word processor and image editor and how to create animations. They will also be able to prepare presentations and obtain programming skills.

We offer the full range of ECDL which is an internationally recognized standard of competence and a widely acceptable certificate that asserts that the holder has the knowledge and skills needed to use the most common computer applications efficiently and productively in the workplace and at home.


  • It is recognized by governments, national and international organizations, bodies, associations and the academic and professional communities. In Cyprus it is considered by banks, semi-Government organizations, private companies and the University of Cyprus as an additional qualification and thus an advantage when recruiting staff.
  • It is the only IT Skills Certification Programme which has been established and developed by the Council of European Professional Informatics Scientists – CEPIS) and is supported by 45 International Associations of Computing and 400.000 Information Technology professionals.
  • It has an international recognition and undoubted the widest recognition and applicability in the Cyprus, European and international labour markets.
  • It is an acceptable international professional and academic qualification.

The Computing module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to the use of computational thinking and coding to create computer programs. It covers core computational thinking techniques like problem decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction and algorithms as well as practical skills relating to coding.