Over the course of 30 years, the English Learning Centre has staged a number of musical plays: The Lion King, Grease, She’s all that, Mamma Mia.
Each one was a full production with casts of over 70-100 students. Each show took a year in the making and each cast member became a dedicated committee participant.
The plays were huge successes and all were performed in front of an audience of families and friends, all with one goal in mind – the raising of money for various charities.
The process of each performance took our students on journeys that will remain unforgettable in their memories.
The challenges, demands and physical effort were experienced within themselves. Each and every cast member had the time of their lives whilst learning to work as part of a team, improving their public speaking skills, learning the value of perseverance, improving their overall confidence and, most importantly, developing their English language.
Everyone enjoyed feeling a great sense of accomplishment once the show was done!